Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Losing Baby Weight..... Finally!

I am proud to say I have joined Weight Watchers. I am excited cause I have only been doing it for 2 weeks and I have already lost over 5 lbs. I think this is such a good thing for me because I never realized how much I really eat. You think you eat pretty healthy but then you look at what portion sizes should be, and how many points little things are. Then you realize how bad stuff is for you. I shouldn't say bad, but a lot of points. I have been exercising in the mornings as well and I can tell a huge difference from that too. I cant wait to be able to look good in clothes again and feel as good about myself as I did when I got married. I would definitely recommend weight watchers to any one, even if you just need to lose 2o pounds. I think its awesome! I will keep you updated.

1 comment:

lorinsteve said...

Hey Megan! Glad I found your blog! Check ours out, it hasn't been updated in a while, but still! I can't imagine three little ones! You definitely have a lot on your plate. Many fun times ahead!