Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The kids found there Easter baskets
They we all so excited for their little present from the easter bunny!
Kortnees favorite part was definitely the Chocolate!!
This is what I found when I got up. Kylee had brought Korts basket to her and she was just laying there like a queen. I though it was so funny!

We went to Gramma Bells and had lunch and then watched the rest of General Conference over there.
The kids in their Easter dresses the week before for church.
The kids loved coloring eggs!!

We went to mountain for easter weekend and the kids had fun getting a ride on Gabes four wheeler!

I think Heath had the most fun though!!

We also went to this big hill and rolled eggs down the hill and had egg races.


Esplins said...

Meg your kids are adorable! I love your little girls' easter dresses. Congrats on another girl. I can't believe you'll have 4 kiddos!! So exciting!

Angie said...

You guys ARE alive! :) hehe Love the curls! How the heck do you get them to keep curlers in their hair? Ellie and I have tried that twice and she only leaves them in for about 10 minutes. It drives me crazy! But that's not what I meant to write...haha. You guys look like life's good. We will be out there the weekend of the 28th. We should plan to do something. We are having pictures on Saturday so probably Friday night would be best. Miss you guys!